Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Some Recent Napoleonic Blog post - around the web

I haven't blogged for a while, so thought I'd start again by sharing a few blog posts I've seen - mainly Napoleonic ones...

A Classic Foundry figure...

Painted by Mike Vella

Old School en masse

Over on glyrr.blogspot.com there a wonderful set of pictures of en entire old school 25mm collections laid out.  Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures abound:

he says:

"Most of the figures are Hinchliffe or Minifigures one or two odd ones there in them. Like most wargames at the time we used to buy the figures from the local model shops( my local one stocked Hinchliffe )  but if you did not order them in advance you only got what was left in the shop at the time. So one week you have 10 figures or more to paint then a few weeks later a few more to make up a regiment. One way I got over that was drive down to Minifigs in Southampton on a Saturday from Reading to buy a full Regiment of figures"

Big Austrian Battalions

There's this big game from Paul Robinson  in Grimsby - a clash between French and Austrians.

The Perry's 

have been battling some wonderful Napoleonic Games 

Hinton Hunted

I've always loved these old figures, patiently restored on this blog.


Selling - 28mm Young Guard - Flanquer Chasseurs Painted 2 battalions

  Here's the link if you want to have a look :  They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...