Sunday, 31 March 2019

More Napoleonic Blog Post - a months worth of things I've seen

March ended well with this fab post showing a 28 mm battalion at 1 to 1 scale.  If you click the link the post of actually mostly about Brexit.

According to My Very Own Spanish Ulcer blog, this is his idea of a smaller battalion...

I really enjoyed this game from the 1809 campaign. It's shows what you can do with ho/oo plastics and some good old fashioned gloss painting

Good to see a review of General d'Armee (see my first thoughts here

First impressions are very positive, especially the command control /  aid d'camp system.  It's an elegant form of command friction which introduces command risk but also doesn't totally throw the game if ones luck is really bad for a turn.  I like it a lot.

Barry's Redoubt isn't dead yet and has been painting.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Napoleonic Blog Posts - another round up including Waterloo 28mm

You can't go at all wrong with a Waterloo re-fight ...

This one from Jabbas Wargaming is an absolute doozy... go and drool.

and their is so much more eye candy on the New Buckenham club's Facebook page


Wonderful Russo-Ottoman war collections out on the table here.

The Northumbrian Wargamer has finished this 8th regiment from the Revolutionary Wars

Some truly gorgeous Poles from Murawski Miniatures in this wonderful encounter game on the Chasseur blog.

and on the same subject the HintonHunt blog gets an ADC for Blucher (I'm a total sucker for these figures) 

The Battle of Danholm 1807 is emerging form the worktable Finns and Swedes. It's brilliant to
have such a range of ranges now, you'd think. But many of these are conversions, including from AWI - mostly Perry.

Selling - 28mm Young Guard - Flanquer Chasseurs Painted 2 battalions

  Here's the link if you want to have a look :  They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...