Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Some Recent Napoleonic Blog post - around the web

I haven't blogged for a while, so thought I'd start again by sharing a few blog posts I've seen - mainly Napoleonic ones...

A Classic Foundry figure...

Painted by Mike Vella

Old School en masse

Over on glyrr.blogspot.com there a wonderful set of pictures of en entire old school 25mm collections laid out.  Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures abound:

he says:

"Most of the figures are Hinchliffe or Minifigures one or two odd ones there in them. Like most wargames at the time we used to buy the figures from the local model shops( my local one stocked Hinchliffe )  but if you did not order them in advance you only got what was left in the shop at the time. So one week you have 10 figures or more to paint then a few weeks later a few more to make up a regiment. One way I got over that was drive down to Minifigs in Southampton on a Saturday from Reading to buy a full Regiment of figures"

Big Austrian Battalions

There's this big game from Paul Robinson  in Grimsby - a clash between French and Austrians.

The Perry's 

have been battling some wonderful Napoleonic Games 

Hinton Hunted

I've always loved these old figures, patiently restored on this blog.


Saturday, 13 October 2018

Two Brigades of 28mm French Infantry for Sale - plus skirmishers. Mostly Essex, some Perry sculpts from Foundry

My clear out continues -

These are figure I painted a long while ago  - many of them in my teens.  I loved he Essex figures, they seem so much better than the Hinchcliffe ones I had grown up with.  Then along came War-games Foundry and those fab Perry sculpts.

A Brigade of four battalions of Line Infantry  https://ebay.to/2CwP7Se

Light Infantry Brigade – 3 battalions Essex and Foundry

Skirmishers – Wargames Foundry Perry Sculpts 

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

The best 28mm Napoleonic Figure Painters?

So thought I'd come up with a list of the people I think are best at painting 28mm Napoleonic Figures.  Is there any particular criteria?  Well no, although I think one off's interest a little less than the people who can turn out wonderful units.

So lets start...

Sascha Herm almost immediately breaks that rule.  Sacha specialises in intricate groups but has painted some units.

Or there's von Pirch

Maj-Gen. von Pirch painted by Sacha Herm

George Hatzopoulos is something of a God - I'm not quite sure how he achieves what de does. Like Sacha you often have to convince yourself that he isn't painting in 54mm.

Take this Perry Marshall Soult (a figure I'm currently painting) - that lace is a miracle - but so is the soft tones that are both stylish and natural.

Or this Perry Austrian General

Why am I stuck at 2?  Is Andrew Taylor still painting?


I knew you lot would have ideas.  From The Miniatures Page:

Cavcazy says: "I am a fan of Doug Mason."   Doug is from the Grand Manner tradition which inspired me when I was a child - those pictures of the Waterloo Game in Military Modelling in 1975 - even in black and white - made me drool.  Mahoosive units and that efficient style which involves a washes and a little layering.

Atrilleryman says: "Rafa " Archiduque " definitely does units and they are wonderful."  He's right ... 

And Flashman14 mentioned a couple of these plus added"

"Richard Abbot is very good: link
Legends Steve Dean: link

and Kevin Dallimore: link"

Thanks to the forum I've also just spotted Francesco Thau - I've seen how work before but not really paid attention. 

And of course there is Tom Weiss, although couldn't find recent work, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Maps from the military history classes at St Cyr Officers Academy in France - in 1926

I've popped these up for sale here


I found them in France a couple of summers ago.   They are very evocative. This officer studied in 1926. I'm quite sure they would have been at war in 1940.  They were being taught the lessons of the Napoleonic wars, 1970, 1914.  These maps - 80 or more of them, show the battles they studied and maybe shows why, in part, they were unprepared for what was coming.

Friday, 10 November 2017

30mm Napoleonic Flat Figures Zinnfiguren Painted - Wurttemberg Infantry Battalion - for sale

Right folks - I've listed these http://ebay.to/2ysA46p .   Now RELISTED at a starting price of just 99pence - you lot decide what they are worth!   http://ebay.to/2AZPjFd 

They were an indulgence - me just having a crack at painting something unusual. A real pleasure to.  Now going as part of my clear out.

Monday, 16 October 2017

The Batlle of Amiens August 1918 and the Australian War memorial

The road from Amiens to Perrone is long, straight and undulating.  It's takes you under huge skies through a battlefield fought over many times and past the Australian War Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux.

If you can stop here.  Allow yourself some time. Take a walk and have a think.

8th August, 1918, by Septimus Power

This ground was covered as part of the German spring 1918 offensive

"On 21st March 1918, the Germans launched one of the most successful battles of the Western Front, in the aim of taking Amiens and its vast communication lines. Only the town of Villers-Bretonneux, located just 15 kilometres before Amiens, was in their way. The Germans failed in their initial attempt to take Villers-Bretonneux on 4th April, but supported by tanks, they broke through British lines on 24th April and captured the position.
This attack also resulted in the very first tank versus tank battle, seeing three British tanks battle against three German tanks in the fields south of Villers-Bretonneux."
We are told on the Australian War Memorial site
"In the quest for Amiens, the Germans' next aim was to capture Hill 104 (where the Australian National Memorial stands today), making it vital for the Allies to recapture Villers-Bretonneux as quickly as possible. Two Australian brigades were rapidly brought in to assist the remaining British troops, and, that same evening, the 15th Brigade swept around the north side of the town, while the 14th Brigade covered the left flank.
To the south of Villers-Bretonneux, the 13th Brigade attacked near Cachy and by dawn the Australians had Villers- Bretonneux almost completely surrounded. By the 26th, most of the ground captured by the Germans had been retaken and the threat to Amiens was over.
The Australians suffered over 2400 casualties, the British lost 9500 men, mostly captured during the German attack of the 24 April, while the Germans lost approximately 10,000 men."
For more reading on this there is:

Later the same ground was fought over as the Australian sought to push back the German's. 


The Day We Won The War: Turning Point At Amiens, 8 August 1918


The Australian Victories in France in 1918     


The memorial looks out across the jumping off point for the Australian Attack on August 8th 1918 - a sophisticated all arms assault on the withering German Army.  The thing that struck me about the ground was how exposed the trenches must have been - how easily overlooked positions were and how wide an expansive the fields of fire were. In the picture below Amiens is to your left and Peronne is to the right - the direction in which the attack went.

The view from the memorial across the cemetery and out onto the wide open land that the Australians attacked across.
A map of the attack from https://www.awm.gov.au/visit/exhibitions/1918/battles/amiens  
German Prisoner being lead away towards Amiens - August 8th 1918

This was the first time I'd stopped to look at the valley of the Somme as a battlefield, until now I'd at best driven through it.

The memorial itself and some of the headstones bear the damage of artillery fire from fighting in the area in 1940.

When I visit a cemetery in France I try to take the time to walk and look at the names - as many as I can. All of them if I can, although it becomes a little overwhelming.  You can find the pictures I took here.  Some are below...

Here are some picture of the ground East of the memorial out toward Perronne that the battle was fought across..

Monday, 2 October 2017

The Silk Roads - a new history of the world. Quick Review

Like many of us I absorb history books. Not just military history books but almost any.  Context really improves my appreciation of a game - this book is rich in context.

The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan does just that.  It's range stretches from pre Alexandrian times, through to 9/11 and the current political an economic turmoil.

For me the last few chapters post WW1 were very detailed but the least helpful. Maybe it's an area that I already have some context on, even a period that I have lived through.

The earlier Chapters fascinated me.  The fluctuating relations between Rome, Persia and China.  The shifting sands of religious affiliation and the way in which cultures absorbed and overwhelmed each other.  The issues of trade, against the growth in demand for luxury all help explain why conflicts happened, indeed why peace took hold.

The arrival of Islam and it's spread at a time of economic contraction during the 7th century wars between Persian and the declining Roman Empire.  The construction and wealth of Baghdad. The overlapping of Islam, Christianity, Judaiam and Zoroastrianism spreading deep into a darkened central and Norther Europe.

The spread of the Viking Rus into the area we now call Russian, with their trade in furs slaves (Slavs) and the returning gold, silver, jewels and silks.

The extraordinary reach of the Mongols and the Black Death, the growth of European technical prowess and the new empires of the 1500's.

This is a sweepingly useful book, it helps us understand alliances and wars against the religious, intellectual and economic changes that brought them on. 

Selling - 28mm Young Guard - Flanquer Chasseurs Painted 2 battalions

  Here's the link if you want to have a look :  They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...