Tuesday 21 February 2017

Painted 28mm Norse Dwarves - Warmonger - ex Wargames Foundry

I think I just got a bit seduced by the paintability of the these figures - I was never sure what I'd do with them. In facet I sold them a year or so ago after they sat unloved for a while.

These sculpts are full of graphic detail.  I'm not sure who created them, originally for Wargames Foundry.  They now appear on the Foundry off-shoot site Warmonger at £4 a figure!

Monday 20 February 2017

Mike Owen 28mm Wild West Cowboys Painted as 7th cavalry.

Here's a set of 28mm Wild West Figures Painted not as cowboys but as a group of renegade US cavalry.  They are all figures sculpted by Mike Owen of Artizan Designs.  Crisp clean mouldings with action but also really simple to paint. 

I think I probably painted these 8 to 10 years ago, mainly using Foundry and Vallejo Model Color paints (I've always loved the texture and richness of pigment in the Vallejo paints - they leave a wonderful matt finish which also takes washes and other treatments well).

Selling - 28mm Young Guard - Flanquer Chasseurs Painted 2 battalions

  Here's the link if you want to have a look :  They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...