I've popped up these on uk ebay:
and these - Marshall Ney himself!
again more pics here on ebay. or try USA EBAY.
Some pictures of painted (mainly) historical wargames figures. The name is a pun, not a boast.
I've popped up these on uk ebay:
and these - Marshall Ney himself!
again more pics here on ebay. or try USA EBAY.
Ken's back on the painting joymill with his Plancenoit project continuing in 28mm. Here is shows his French battery and a bit later in the video the start of what will be a lot of Landwehr: click on the pciture below to go to the viudeo (for some reason I'm struggling to embed). Thanks Yarkshire Gamer.
Heretical gaming have been working on some 6mm Saxon's.
Sparkers Wargames played an epic scale Quatre Bras using Lasalle 2 rules. Neat looking terrain and figures:
Over on Bloody Big Battles Albuera gets fought out with some reflections.
Will's Wargames is a wonderful look at 20mm ish wargaming - from Hinton Hunt's through to 3d printed figures. Here he is updating his Prussian Kurassiers. Meanwhile over on the actual Hinton Hunt blog some bad weather reports and some glorious images of a game, Waterloo no less! Below - the French advance on Hougomont.
Chasseur has posted a refurb of some Perry Marie Louises - crisp clean paintingSergeant Steiner writes about an 1813 scenario:set during Lutzen 1813 and depicts the afternoon counter attack by the Imperial Guard around the 'four villages' defended by a Prussian and Russian force. French had 32 units with 2 Old Guard,12 Young Guard, 4 Line, 4 Second Line some Skirmish screens and supported by Guard Lancers and Line Lancers with several batteries of guns (some Guard standard with one Battery static on heights), they also had 45 Morale.
The French had to place 2 Brigades in off-table reserve (they choose the Old Gde and Gde Cavalry).
Allies had 24 units with 4 Prussian Line, a Prussian Guard Brigade with 2 Gde Musketeers, a small (3UI) unit of Gde Jager, 4 Russian Grenadiers (although Pavlov unit starts as a village garrison), 4 Russian Second Line, Skirmish screens and Prussian Cavalry Dragoons and Hussars, a unit of Russian Gde Hussars and several gun batteries, they started with 35 Morale.
Game was another cracker with lots of action and incident.
For more see here
Calpe's Peter Fitzgerald has finally decided to retire from producing figures - he still wants sot sculpt but his looking for someone to take on the making. I've bought his figures over the years and love them for ease of painting and animation.
and with some Saxon Command figures and casualties, a game or two and a some thought on General d'Armee 2. Delighted to see this blog back!
Phil Robinson is still painting peninsular French and there are some gorgeous 6mm Baccus Prussian reinforcements painted over in Scrivsland.
I didn't want to use all the Foundry figures otherwise they would all look the same, so I included 3 plastic Perry figures and one Perry metal figure. I also added a scarf in the 4th facing colours to the only marching figure
This is a very quick review of first impressions. The book arrived today from Ken Trotman and it's fantastic - it's gives colured illustrations of all the uniforms and gives the dates when uniforms changed and evolved, as well as details of equipment. This is exactly how uniform books should be - whether for the modeller or the wargamer. I know it was published a few years ago, but this is my first site of it.
Thank you Stephen and I hope you find time to publish many more of these :-)
Buy it direct from the Publisher here: https://kentrotman.co.uk/newbooks/prussian-landwehr-of-the-napoleonic-wars/
Here are some of his other books - and here. I've roderd some others so will share those when they arrive.
Here's the link if you want to have a look : They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...