Juicy Hamburg
My favourite post this months probably has to be the report on Hamburg Tactica - with it's 1813 theme... games and diorama and all sorts! Have a look.
"The theme of this year's convention was the "French period" in northern Germany, in this case the time of the War of Liberation of 1813/14."
Book for Danish Fans
Helion Books have blogged about Davout and Bernadotte and their new book (or soon to be new) on he Northern Coalition against Napoleon: The Campaigns of Bernadotte, Britain and the Swedes 1810-1815 . A geat excuse to buy a load of Perry Danes!
Blunders on the Danube shared a set of rules for Napoleonics on gridded tables.
"These rules are based upon Steve's "Eagles Cheaper than Brain Cells" over at the Sound Officer's Call blog, which are them selves descending from Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames. I have also borrowed some ideas from Martin Rapier's OHW variant that I used at Historicon last July.
I used them for a solo game and then a FTF game in the past month. Here they are with a few minor modifications based upon those games, which will appear as write ups on the blog soon."
and some neat Portuguese Cavalry
6mm 1815 whatif..
I'm loving this Volley and Bayonet what if - Wellington crosses into France and clashes at Montclairen. I used have 6mm and used V&B - and now - as with all sales, regret selling them!
Cold metal...
Don't throw a 1 has painted this set of stragglers for the Retreat from Moscow.
Hinton Hungarian
The old schoolers will enjoy this Hnton Hunt Hungarian.
Wider social media users may have already seen Chasseur's French wagons...
Bloody Big Pyrenees
Bloody Big Battles are fighting in the Pyrenees in 1813 - and it's tough
"It's a challenging one to bring to the tabletop, as the Battle of the Pyrenees was less a battle and more a week-long offensive, involving over 100,000 men and encompassing multiple engagements fought across 1,000 square miles or so of very mountainous country."
Cavalry - loads of them!!!
Some fab Chasseur a Cheval over on the Chasseur blog: beautiful painting.
and also French Cavalry - some stunning painting over on the A Military Gentleman blog. Well worth a click thro9ugh and a good look at the pics. (I think these might be 18th century - but hey ho!)
That's how cavalry should look!!!
6mm Reinforcements...
Loving these small scale Prussians (I've a soft spot for the the Prussians) over on https://scrivsland.blogspot.com/
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