Saturday 16 September 2017

How to replace broken or brittle plastic lid on Wargames Foundry paint pots

After a few years the lids on Wargames Foundry and Coat d'Arms and Formula P3 and similar paints can become brittle and break.

It's not only messy, it is also expensive if the paint spills or dries up.

Below is a very quick video on how you can fix this.

You will need to buy some replacement lids.  Here are some links on where to buy them. You are looking for lid only for a 20ml plastic paint pot.

I bought a bunch extra and in the uk you can buy them here. UK is post free for a set of 48 lids, there are alos some sheets of pre-printed replacement labels you can add.

You can also buy empty pots on amazon with this link.

Have fun 

Up date: Wargames Foundry now stock these if you're buying other figures from them and have already covered postage they make sense costs wise

Can you identify these 28mm figures for me please

One pulp pilot, another looks like Saladin and three are various - including a very portly wizard.

Sunday 10 September 2017

The only Victoria Cross won on D Day - a visit to the Green Howards Museums

I was working in North Yorkshire a week or two ago and got some time to pootle through the beautiful market town of Richmond.

On the market square is the Green Howards museum.  £4.50 for entry. It is small but really good.

The one room that takes you a-back is the medal room.  Wall to wall medals, including the only VC won on D day,  the citation for CSM Stanley Hollis reads:

War of the Roses, late medieval figures for auction - 28mm Wargames Foundry ex Citadel figures

I love these figures - but I'm having a bit of a clearout.

Three auctions all starting at a very low first bid  of just £1

32 pike

 21 x men at Arms


18 Archers

Good luck if you bid - I always combine postage, but you need to let me send you an invoice if you win more than one lot.

Sunday 20 August 2017

The Other Partizan 2017 - A picture review.

I've just got back from The Other Partizan. Hopeless day for buying stuff.

 I've been doing a lot of clearing out so didn't want to be tempted by a random new thing.  There were some Perry Napoleonics I'd hoped to find but no joy, so my haul was three metallic paints and some bases. I spent more on the entrance fee and the burger than the stash.

I was tempted by some of the weathering powders and paints, but want to do some more research online first.

A sucker for the shiny games...

However I got to a good look at a god chunk of the demo games.  A Partizan always has been about the games for me.  Kelham Hall suffered from it's many dark corners and the new venue is much lighter which makes it easier to enjoy the games.  I had the wrong lens on my camera - so there's limited depth of field on a lot of the shots... but here goes

Selling - 28mm Young Guard - Flanquer Chasseurs Painted 2 battalions

  Here's the link if you want to have a look :  They're the fab green uniforms (with higher officer wearing their blue Middle Guard ...