Thursday, 28 September 2017

Are these napoleonic war Shako's really what the seller describes?

Garde d'Honneur Shako?

I have a penchant for perusing stuff for sale online.  Here are a couple of eye wateringly expensive things that an antiques dealer has on ebay.

The first they describe as a Rare 1813-1814 Napoleonic Wars Chasseurs Of The Imperial Guard Shako  (take care clicking through on the link - it's quite absorbing!)

Obviously the Chasseur a Cheval of the old (and young?) guard wore busby type headgear. 

Is this more likely to be for Gardes d'Honneur (a la these lovely Perries). Initially I thought the cockade was wrong but if you look closely on an enlarged picture it could well be Imperial French Colours.  

Also, given that the Garde d'Honneurs tended to be wealthier families I can see these shako's having an improved chance of surviving, given that the owners may have plenty of space to store and people to look after them.

So what about shako two? 

Same dealer but this time they describe it as  Extremely Rare 1806–1808 Kingdom Of Naples And Sicily Joseph-Napoléon ~ Bonaparte Shako.  there are lots of lovely big pictures on the listing.  

This one shows the front - which really does look to me like a Russian Shako plate - but this isn't a specialist area of mine.  

I love the tone and quality of the leather and it does have the look and feel you might expect of something 200 years old. 

Below thought is my favourite picture - which shows the net that keeps the helmet on the head - very similar to the webbing inside WW1 and WW2 helemts.

Any thoughts on what they might be greatly appreciated.


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